Private Cloud

Experience the Benefits of a Private Cloud: Enhanced Security, Greater Control, and Improved Performance

What is Private Cloud?

Private Cloud provides you with the ability to manage your internal servers through a self-service solution. This allows you to provision resources such as network, compute, storage, and automatic scaling on your own.

At Tech Chapter, we offer customised Private Cloud solutions that will provide you full control and flexibility. We are strong advocates of using Kubernetes as the underlying platform for your Private Cloud. By utilising this robust and flexible platform and supplementing it with managed services and a selection of Kubernetes operators through Helm charts, you can achieve complete control and customization capabilities of your infrastructure.

Choosing Kubernetes as your underlying platform, provides easy access to create Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and multi-zone architecture (if your data center architecture supports it), which can contribute to an additional layer of high availability.

What are the benefits of using Private Cloud?

Private Cloud provides full control over the hardware on which your systems run. This can be beneficial for GDPR and Compliance, as it gives you the ability to have full control over all processes related to data processing, such as handling of personal data.

By owning your hardware and administering your own servers, you have the opportunity to scale your investments up and down. This helps you gain greater control over your total cost of ownership (TCO) associated with your cloud solution.

Another benefit of using Private Cloud is that you have the opportunity to install your own range of managed open-source platform services, that can be used across your company’s internal IT projects. This is done by using Helm charts, which is a technology for installalling and deploying services in a Kubernetes cluster.

Suggestions for Private Cloud Architecture:

Private Cloud
Object storageMinio
Message queuingrabbitMQ and Apache Kafka
Relational DatabasesPostgreSQL

Private Cloud vs. Hybrid Cloud

Some companies choose to operate with a Hybrid Cloud setup, primarily using a Private Cloud solution on a daily basis but having the ability to scale out to Public Clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or Azure during peak loads (e.g., Black Friday).

How can Tech Chapter assist you with Private Cloud?

At Tech Chapter our Cloud consultants have extensive expertise in all areas of Cloud solutions and can assist you in building your own Private Cloud from scratch. In addition, our Cloud consultants offer help with platform setup, including your CI/CD pipelines, ensuring automatic deployment to your Private Cloud.

Whenever Tech Chapter delivers a platform setup, we always do it using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Our solutions always apply to the industry standards such as Least Privilege, Shared responsibility, and Observability (not only physical metrics but also metrics for user experiences, such as response times, response codes like HTTP 200, 404, 500).

Tech Chapter can also offer assistance with:

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you!